A unifying support system
for pastors and boards
of Grace churches
No one should have to navigate church leadership alone
As churches and church leadership labor day-in and day-out, to be the hands and feet of Christ, they should not feel alone. Too often, pastors feel isolated and burnt out. Boards feel ill-equipped to do the important work before them. Churches feel like they lack resources and aren’t sure where to go for advice in ministry. The Grace Gospel Fellowship is here to equip and support pastors, boards, and churches by providing a support system that protects and advances the collective of Grace churches in the U.S.

Refresh Pastors Conference
Register for the 2025 Refresh Pastors Conference and connect with pastors and key stakeholders of the GGF from around the country. We are so grateful for those who were able to invest in this formative time together last year and we look forward to seeing continued growth in 2025.
2025 GGF Pastors Refresh Conference, June 2-5. Click below to learn more or register today!
The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts;
and though all its parts are many, they form one body.
So it is with Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:12
Resources for Pastors
GGF Pastors Network
COMING SOON! Engage in the conversation, ask questions to other leaders within the GGF.
Listen to sermons from other pastors and even our founders.
Pastors Conferences
Past Family Bible Conference Recordings:
The Pastoral Calling Podcast
Every few weeks, Mat Loverin and Jim Shemaria strike up a conversation about life and leadership in the local church.
JC O’Hair Archives
We are grateful for the Berean Bible Society. Their work on archiving this treasure trove of messages from a pillar of the Grace movement and their willingness to share this widely is greatly appreciated.
Practical Theology
COMING SOON! A podcast hosted by Caleb Befus featuring interviews pastors who share in their experiences as they navigate the Licensing and Ordination process of the Grace Gospel fellowship.
Grace Theology Resources
A compilation of video training from Craig McDonald about Questions in Dispensationalism.
Carrying the burdens of those you shepherd while leading a congregation spiritually, administratively, and financially can be overwhelming. Check out these resources on sabbaticals.
The Church Marketing Team
You are The Church, the Body of Christ. The Church should be represented with excellence. Knowing, communicating and visually representing who you are is important. We can help.
Theological Insights from Dr. Phil Long
This resource provides access to book reviews and theological insight from Dr. Phil Long (Professor of Bible and Ministry, Grace Christian University).
Resources for Boards
Leadership Conferences
Check out sessions from our most recent conference and find past conference recordings.
Thriving Podcast
Join the conversation on effective board developed and hosted by GGF President, Bryan Walker, and friends.
Resources for Churches
We continue to gather and create resources that can encourage health and growth in our churches. Currently, those resources include:
Spiritual Growth
Explore tools to gauge and fuel the health of your church.
Doctrinal Statement
Scripture is core to all stakeholders within the Grace Gospel Fellowship. These understandings of Scripture bind us even further together.
Journal of Grace Theology
This scholarly journal features articles from theologians and scholars that expound upon Scripture including our shared doctrinal distinctives.
How to Become a Praying Church in 12 Months
Church Resource
Church Directory
GGF Church Directory
The TRUTH is filled with articles from our pastors, church board members, and friends within our congregations from around the country.
GGF Resource and Archive Library
View a wide variety of GGF Resources
Resources for Pastors
GGF Pastors Network
COMING SOON! Engage in the conversation, ask questions to other leaders within the GGF.
Listen to sermons from other pastors and even our founders.
Pastors Conferences
Past Family Bible Conference Recordings:
The Pastoral Calling Podcast
Every few weeks, Mat Loverin and Jim Shemaria strike up a conversation about life and leadership in the local church.
JC O’Hair Archives
We are grateful for the Berean Bible Society. Their work on archiving this treasure trove of messages from a pillar of the Grace movement and their willingness to share this widely is greatly appreciated.
Practical Theology
COMING SOON! A podcast hosted by Caleb Befus featuring interviews pastors who share in their experiences as they navigate the Licensing and Ordination process of the Grace Gospel fellowship.
Grace Theology Resources
A compilation of video training from Craig McDonald about Questions in Dispensationalism.
Carrying the burdens of those you shepherd while leading a congregation spiritually, administratively, and financially can be overwhelming. Check out these resources on sabbaticals.
The Church Marketing Team
You are The Church, the Body of Christ. The Church should be represented with excellence. Knowing, communicating and visually representing who you are is important. We can help.
Theological Insights from Dr. Phil Long
This resource provides access to book reviews and theological insight from Dr. Phil Long (Professor of Bible and Ministry, Grace Christian University).
Pastoral Commissioning, Licensing and Ordination
Learn More about our application process to become a Pastor for the Grace Gospel Fellowship
Resources for Boards
Our Commitment
Church board members bear many responsibilities in life as they also serve their church congregations. We provide support and guidance to board members, knowing that a healthy board is an incredibly integral part of a healthy church.
We are committed to helping church boards grow in their health, unity, biblical understanding of their roles, support, and care for their pastor, and capacity to work together with their pastor to shepherd the congregation.
We are here to equip board members and churches for the long haul. We do this through resources, training, retreats, meaningful curriculum, and more.
Please contact Bryan Walker at bryan@ggfusa.org to learn about the different resources available to serve your church board.
Leadership Conferences
Check out sessions from our most recent conference and find past conference recordings.
Thriving Podcast
Join the conversation on effective board developed and hosted by GGF President, Bryan Walker, and friends.
Resources for Churches
We continue to gather and create resources that can encourage health and growth in our churches. Currently, those resources include:
Spiritual Growth
Explore tools to gauge and fuel the health of your church.
Doctrinal Statement
Scripture is core to all stakeholders within the Grace Gospel Fellowship. These understandings of Scripture bind us even further together.
Journal of Grace Theology
This scholarly journal features articles from theologians and scholars that expound upon Scripture including our shared doctrinal distinctives.
How to Become a Praying Church in 12 Months
Church Resource
Church Directory
GGF Church Directory
The TRUTH is filled with articles from our pastors, church board members, and friends within our congregations from around the country.
GGF Resource and Archive Library
View a wide variety of GGF Resources
The TRUTH is filled with articles from our pastors, church board members, and friends within our congregations from around the country.
Considering submitting an article for future TRUTH issues? We’re looking for articles addressing real-life issues in the family and church, theological whitepapers, best-practices from the boardroom – opportunities for us to encourage and inspire others throughout our Fellowship.
You can submit your articles to truthmag@ggfusa.org.
Click above to read TRUTH
Healthy Pastors
Cultivating an intentional community of pastors
We bring pastors together. The Grace Gospel Fellowship facilitates a pastoral care continuum that identifies present and future pastors, nurtures and mentors them throughout their pastorate, and ensures that they finish well their vocational ministry years as well as impart their experience and wisdom to a generation of pastors that follow.
Healthy Boards
Providing tools to foster healthy church boards– efficient, effective, and missionally focused on God’s unique call for each local church.
Healthy Churches
Providing a home that protects and advances Grace churches in the U.S.
The Grace Gospel Fellowship provides a community for churches who are committed to advancing the Gospel.
News & Events
Stay up-to-date with our most recent information
Episode 22: Bridging The Gap – Pastors and Church Boards Working Together
In this episode of the Thriving Church Leadership podcast, host Joe Johnson interviews Brian Walker, president of the Grace Gospel Fellowship, to discuss the relationship between pastors and church boards. The conversation explores various board structures, their...
Episode 21: Bridging The Gap Between Pastors and Boards
Welcome to Episode 21 of the Thriving Church Leadership podcast. In this riveting episode, we've seen a shift in the hosting duties, with Joe Johnson taking the reins from Bryan Walker. They delve into the nuances of church leadership, specifically the relationship...
Episode 16: Serving Alone
In today’s episode, Bryan Walker and Brett Elder have the privilege of interviewing Pastor Troy Sergey and Pastor Trent Boedecker on the topic of “Serving Alone”. They sit down to talk about some of the challenges of serving alone, as well as how board members can...
Ways to Participate
Read our Newsletters
Sign-up and be encouraged while reading about other churches, pastors and lay leaders around the U.S.
Engage with our resources and attend our events
Engage with our digital and print resources, pastors conferences, Theological Summits, and our online community of pastors.
Be Generous
Invest your time and gifts in support of our calling — advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ through Grace-distinctive theology
How has GGF helped churches around the U.S.?
Read true stories of the GGF impact in these churches.

Pastor Joe Johnson - Parkside Bible Church, Holland MI
“The Grace Gospel Fellowship is deeply committed to Pastors. In the letter to the Phillipians, Paul puts his full support behind Timothy, who is “genuinely concerned for your well being.” I give that same recommendation of Bryan Walker and his team. They’ll do whatever it takes to support you in ministry and keep you whole.”

Pastor Kaleb Kemper - Eastport Bible Church, Eastport NY
“The GGF has worked alongside me during my college days, in my placement into a Grace church, and through the challenges and joys of pastoral ministry over the years. The Leadership Conferences have encouraged and challenged me, both on a personal and leadership level, and reminded me that I am part of a movement. I am grateful for the network of churches and leaders I can reach out to for advice, best practices, and diverse ministry models to adapt for our unique church context. At times I feel like I am working alone, but the GGF reminds me that there are many others facing these challenges with faithful service to a worthy cause of eternal significance.”