Healthy Boards

It is a common saying that “Many great pastors have been exhausted by well-meaning boards.” Board work—stewarding the local church at a leadership level—is challenging. This calling requires spiritual maturity and a strong biblical understanding of the roles asked of those who serve in this capacity. Those roles include being responsible for the church’s finances, properties, and even risk management.

What does a “healthy board” look like? Healthy and vibrant boards have a learning and growing community of board members who are engaged in the oversight of the spiritual health of their pastor and congregation. Board members seek to build a peaceful, meaningful, and worshipful environment in and out of the board room. The Grace Gospel Fellowship equips board members around the country as they seek to develop their abilities to better serve their congregations. Our goal is that every board—and every board member—is provided support and guidance to become their very best in their key ministry responsibilities.

Resources for Boards

Our Commitment

Church board members bear many responsibilities in life as they also serve their church congregations. We provide support and guidance to board members, knowing that a healthy board is an incredibly integral part of a healthy church.

We are committed to helping church boards grow in their health, unity, biblical understanding of their roles, support, and care for their pastor, and capacity to work together with their pastor to shepherd the congregation.

We are here to equip board members and churches for the long haul. We do this through resources, training, retreats, meaningful curriculum, and more.

Please contact Bryan Walker at to learn about the different resources available to serve your church board.

Leadership Conferences

Check out sessions from our most recent conference and find past conference recordings.

Thriving Podcast

Join the conversation on effective board developed and hosted by GGF President, Bryan Walker, and friends.