In Grace Mini-Series: Positivity in Grace

In this episode, Pastor John Lowder and Dr. Bryan Walker welcome our special guest, Dr. Sam Vinton. As a vibrant 91-year-old, Dr. Sam has spent his entire lifetime in ministry and has a vast wealth of experience in a variety of service and leadership roles nationally and internationally. Throughout his life, Dr. Sam has invested himself fully into learning about God’s Grace and demonstrating it to others around the world. Join us as we interview our dear friend and hear his life testimony and his reflection on the “Positivity in Grace”.

“Why are you still a Mid-Acts Dispensationalist?”

Dr. Sam: Well, I’d have to say I was influenced by the missionaries in the area, specifically, Pearl Pickett, who started the Bible school program and churches in the Congo. Through their efforts and the books they gave me to read, I became convinced that Mid-Acts dispensationalism truly made sense. Growing up in this environment, accompanied by the influence of Charles Baker as I attended Milwaukee Bible College, gave me the foundation I needed to become a Mid-Acts dispensationalist.

“What influence did Charles Baker have on you?”

Dr. Sam: His influence really started when I read his book, God’s Clock of the Ages, back in Africa and began teaching my fellow teenagers about it. Then, when I came to the Milwaukee Bible College, I had all my theology classes under him. He not only taught me theologically but he was so strong in his convictions yet humble that he taught me many valuable lessons. He taught me that you don’t have to be out there arguing your faith – your faith will be evident by how you live your life.

When I went back to Africa and was put in charge of the Bible school, I began translating his works and the notes I took in his classes into Swahili. It was his work that really guided my mission work in the beginning.

“How did you feel teaching Mid-Acts Dispensationalism in a more Charismatic culture?”

Dr. Sam: There was a charismatic organization to the north of us, but they were very strongly Biblical. Besides the gifts, you would have to agree with quite a bit of their doctrine and mission statement. We did begin to have some problems with the organization during my second term there. It became my responsibility to work with those pastors to spread the message of the GGF. Translating the GGF doctrinal statement was one of the first things I did when I arrived as a missionary. But I began to make connections with these other missionaries and organizations and eventually, they’d even let me preach, no matter the denomination. The experience really taught me how to interact and work with fellow Christians and people of different beliefs.

“What has kept you a Mid-Acts Dispensationalist?”

Dr. Sam: At the core of it all, I’ve found that it’s Biblical. Dispensationalism is founded in the Word of God. I may have not attended a dispensational master’s or doctoral program, but I already had such a firm foundation in my beliefs that I was able to stand up for what I believed in and defend dispensationalism.

“How do you respond to some of the challenges Mid-Acts Dispensationalism faces?”

Dr Sam: I see a lot of students here in America go to graduate school, and by the time they finish, they don’t believe in the prophecies anymore. That’s such a continental divide in what we teach. Many of them see the Old Testament as stories but cannot take the prophecies literally because they contradict the conclusions they’ve come up with that Israel has been put aside forever.

We need to remember that the Bible guides us to what we believe, our beliefs don’t determine how we read the Bible.

“Have you ever had doubts about Mid-Acts Dispensationalism?”

Dr. Sam: I can’t really say that I’ve had any doubts, but I have definitely had some shifts in perspective. There are too many things I have to do with the people on this earth to worry about the things I will learn about heaven once I get there. I don’t worry about the details of heaven, God will reveal those things to me when I arrive. When it comes to theology I’ve never had any doubts about Mid-Acts Dispensationalism.

Encouragement From Dr. Sam

Dr. Sam: If we say we are Grace Gospel Fellowship, let’s focus on the word grace for a while. We need to exude graciousness. We need to teach that we are made in the image of God. Even the worst sinners are made in the image of God. We need to make that graciousness a focal point of our teaching.

Final Thoughts

Once again, we’d like to give a big thank you to Dr. Sam Vinton. Thank you for joining us on the podcast today, and thank you for living out graciousness in all areas of your life. We appreciate your lifetime of sharing God’s Word and His love.

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In this episode:

00:00 – Introduction
01:00 – Special guests: Pastor John Lowder and Dr. Sam Vinton
03:30 – Dr. Sam Introduced
04:30 – Why are you still a Mid-Acts Dispensationalist?
06:45 – What influence did Charles Baker have on you?
09:20 – How did you feel teaching Mid-Acts Dispensationalism in a more Charismatic culture?
12:45 – What has kept you a Mid-Acts Dispensationalist?
14:50 – How do you respond to some of the challenges Mid-Acts Dispensationalism faces?
19:30 – Have you ever had doubts about Mid-Acts Dispensationalism?
23:40 – Final thoughts and encouragement
27:00 – Big thanks to Dr. Sam Vinton!

Resources Mentioned:

We offer many different resources to help you thrive in your calling to shepherd the church. Reach out to us at to get started!

More Resources

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