Valley Bible Church – Stephens City, VA

Greetings from Valley Bible Church!

As our summer comes to a close here at Valley Bible, we look back on the adventure of the summer. The first thing that comes to mind is the Rainforest Adventure which was our theme for Vacation Bible School. We were blessed this year, like most years, with a great turn out of volunteers: Men and women, who value the children and have a deep desire to see children come to know Christ as their Savior. We invited many people from the surrounding neighborhoods, and were blessed with the privilege of meeting some new faces at Vacation Bible School. We praise God for allowing us to continue to fellowship with a couple families in the weeks to follow.
We have also had the privilege this summer of beginning a ministry to young families. With the recognition that parents in young children are often pressed for timIMG_0895e, this monthly ministry incorporates dinner preceding the devotional study. A key factor in this ministry is a group of volunteers who give of their time once a month to watch upwards of 16 children so that their parents can participate in the devotional study. Their partnership in this ministry makes this ministry possible.

IMG_0819As the school year gets underway, our fall ministries are beginning. This week Coached By Christ will begin meeting each Thursday. What a privilege to share God’s Word with children, some of which have not exposure to the Bible’s transforming message outside of Thursday nights. Likewise, we have been privileged to be allowed to have a Good News Club in a local elementary school. This group meets on a monthly basis, and we are thankful for a couple ladies who have stepped into the leadership role for this ministry.