“Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Your law (Word),” Psalm 119:18. In late December and early January I had two eye surgeries to remove cataracts that were obstructing my vision and replace the lenses in each eye. This obstruction happened over a period of many years and I did not notice the loss of vision in either eye. It was a gradual, continuous, and slow process that happens without one becoming aware of it until it becomes acute.
Our spiritual eyesight often takes the same journey in life. God gives to us 20/20 eyesight when we come to know Jesus Christ as our Savior. We get this initial joy, peace, and desire for the Word of God. We get excited when we discover new truths from God’s Word or when we find that we were taught error from our youth. But, as time goes on, we lose that passion for reading, studying, and making time for God.
Many things in our lives take the place of the spiritual priority of being alone with God to have Him speak to our hearts and minds. It is like the erosion of soil on the hillside that ever so slowly, but so consistently takes away the topsoil and the rocks. The unproductive soil beneath the rich, black earth becomes exposed and gives little or no nourishment to the vegetation. Our souls become depleted of God’s rich Word.
The weeds begin to appear and we find ourselves struggling in our spiritual lives and our world seems like it is falling apart. We seem so busy with work, pleasure-seeking, and life itself that God takes a lower place in our existence. One day in the midst of our hurried lifestyle we stop and begin to think about those first days of our Christianity. We realize that we have lost our zeal for the Lord and our spiritual insight is nearly gone.
It is time for a spiritual surgery. We must take out the sin, the wasted time, and the worries about this life in order to see well again. Christ needs to be on the throne of our life. We pray for God to forgive us and to open our spiritual eyes again. We want to see the truths of His precious Word so that we might apply them to our very days that we are living. Do you need a “spiritual cataract” surgery today? God is waiting and ready to operate so that you can see 20/20 again and get excited about your moments with God through His Word.
Author: Pastor Les Takkinen