To Victory!

To Victory!

Over the last several years, I have been captivated by the armor of God teaching in Ephesians 6. Part of it is the great battle imagery that comes to mind when I read about the helmet, shield, sword, etc. What boy hasn’t been enamored by the notion of donning a...

Can You Say “Thank You”?

This week we celebrate Thanksgiving Day, an annual holiday since 1863 when, in the midst of a Civil War, President Lincoln called on the people of this nation to set aside the last Thursday of November “as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who...


As an introvert, I have found that I prefer to avoid working with groups at all cost. I enjoy being left to myself as I study or serve God. I like to think that I can do it all by myself. However, as a pastor I am learning that I need several people involved to help....

Don’t Pacify God

What God wants from His people is not mere actions. He wants something more.   God wants more than actions for the same reason we don’t trust salesmen. Their actions could be exactly what we want and they could be incredibly helpful, but we don’t...

It’s Just a Bear

On a trip to the West Coast, Hannah (my wife) and I were able to stop at a range of incredible landmarks. With the exception of one of our pit stops, it seemed like there were people all around the world who came out to see the very same places we came for. Each...
Keep Looking Up!

Keep Looking Up!

“To put it mildly, the world is a mess.”  This assessment from former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright would have to be the understatement of the year. Think about it for a second – Ukraine, Gaza, horrific slaughters by the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq, the Ebola...