As we are working hard to build upon the great work that was done at our recent reFRESH Pastors Conference in Phoenix, AZ, one of the tasks that we defined as a “key competency” – or an essential deliverable – for the GGF is a “Healthy Interdependent Network of Churches”. This is a big vision, but one that we believe is something that will bring great blessings to our pastors, board, and churches.
As we set our sights on building a healthy interdependent network of churches, it’s important that we set some clear vision of what we are prayerfully working towards in this effort. Here are key elements of this goal:
GGF Pastors who have meaningful relationships with other pastors in our network of churches.
Tasks already taking place:
- Regional retreats and national conferences for our pastors
- Pastoral mentoring relationships
Tasks that are coming soon:
- Online resources and communication to support growth and connectivity
GGF Board members who can learn from and provide support to other board members in our network of churches.
Tasks already taking place:
- Support services provided to our church board members
Tasks that are coming soon:
- Regional retreats and national conferences for our board members
- Support services provided to our church board members as they serve together
GGF Churches that collaborate and serve together in ways that make an impact in their congregations and communities.
Tasks already taking place:
- Church service projects through the EXITE program (see more about the upcoming EXITE youth service ministry below)
Tasks coming soon:
- Regional and national events for GGF congregations to share together
There is great work ahead for us to look forward to as our pastors, boards, and congregations have opportunities to build upon meaningful relationships, and as they serve together and reflect God to each other and to the communities around them! We are in a season of living in a culture that rejects the existence of God and the need for a relationship with him, while at the same time people are desperately lonely, lost, and in need of a Savior. We fully believe that regardless of the size, age, and location of our GGF churches, building a healthy interdependent network of churches throughout the nation and beyond will support our pastors, boards, and churches to help accomplish their missions as we all continue forward together.