How has GGF helped churches around the U.S.?
Read true stories of the GGF impact in these churches.
Joe Johnson - Parkside Bible Church, Holland MI
“The Grace Gospel Fellowship is deeply committed to Pastors. In the letter to the Phillipians, Paul puts his full support behind Timothy, who is “genuinely concerned for your well being.” I give that same recommendation of Bryan Walker and his team. They’ll do whatever it takes to support you in ministry and keep you whole.”
Kaleb Kemper - Eastport Bible Church, Eastport NY
“The GGF has worked alongside me during my college days, in my placement into a Grace church, and through the challenges and joys of pastoral ministry over the years. The Leadership Conferences have encouraged and challenged me, both on a personal and leadership level, and reminded me that I am part of a movement. I am grateful for the network of churches and leaders I can reach out to for advice, best practices, and diverse ministry models to adapt for our unique church context. At times I feel like I am working alone, but the GGF reminds me that there are many others facing these challenges with faithful service to a worthy cause of eternal significance.”
John Francis | Board Chair - Bethesda Church, Prior Lake MN
“Our boards have met with GGF President Bryan Walker twice this year so far as we work to recover from the Covid Pandemic. His encouragement has been invaluable in helping us understand our important roles and priorities as elders and trustees. With his help we’ve begun to identify areas where we’ve let our congregation and pastor down, and are doing the hard work to get on the right track. Bryan’s guidance is like that of a Minnesota winter driving-instructor: “Anticipate the challenges that are coming, tap the brakes and slow down. Watch out for others. Don’t be asleep at the wheel, and that it’s better to continually make small adjustments than to have to get out of the ditch”. We realize it is a privilege, great responsibility and challenge to serve the Lord in these roles. It’s reassuring to know the GGF has our back! John Francis, Bethesda Church Prior Lake Elder Board Chairman”
Pastor Dennis Smith
“It is so easy for a pastor to feel alone in ministry. I know of, and have heard about several pastors who have left ministry simply because there was no one for them to talk to. They felt isolated, surrounded by a storm of trials and other peoples tribulations. I too have experienced that a few years ago until I became better connected to the resources and friends within the GGF. I have always known I could talk to the President of the GGF, whether it was Frosty Hansen, Matt Amundson or Bryan Walker. But I also discovered that there is a network of Pastors all over the country that you can talk to, who are there to encourage you, build you up and speak words of life in to you, your family, and your ministry. I am still in ministry today, because of the Love my Lord has shown me from GGF pastors and leaders who have helped me ‘stay in my seat’ and have a front row experience of what God is doing in everyday lives, including mine.”
Pastor Gary Spykerman - Parkside Bible Church, Holland MI
“The Grace Gospel Fellowship continues to richly encourage us as pastors to carry out our calling of shepherding in an age of challenges and changes. Both Sue and I are excited to see the direction that the GGF is taking in focusing on church health. It will require all of us pulling together as we attempt to promote and provide healthy pastors, healthy boards, and healthy congregations. May God grant the leadership of the GGF the wisdom and grace necessary to lead the Grace Gospel Fellowship into the future with dynamic churches proclaiming the Gospel of God’s grace and truth.”
Dan VanKampen | Search Committee Chair - Anchor Point Bible Church, Muskegon MI
“We recently convened a search committee to find the next Youth Pastor God had for Anchor Point Bible Church. The GGF leadership team was a huge help in this process by providing guidance and support to our Board members and our search committee leadership.”